We are attentive to your needs since ever.

Tommasin aims at its services ongoing improvement by producing high-global-standards dished heads and pursuing excellent executive quality. The primary goal remains the customer's satisfaction; therefore Tommasin invest in customer care activities and constant assistence, from the offer to the after sale.


We verify the product with the costumer

A dedicated team is part of the custom care function for the customer satisfaction that is essential for us. The customer assistance includes support during the custom-dished-head design phase, and all the techinical specifications and documentation we provide on request. To guarantee a good purchase experience, we provide ongoing updating on the work progress, certifications, and assistance post sale."

Attentive and efficient custom care

Our corporate policy is based on a 360 degrees quality and pays particurlarly attention to the customer needs, by regular customer-satisfaction analysis and visits.
Tommasin supports the Customer constantly and with professionalism, and guarantees engagement, customer services and all the technical assistance needed.

Try our professionalism

Send us all the datails of the dished heads you want to produce,
in less than an hour we will send you an offer based on your specifications. Non-binding!

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